Day 293 of 365 – Shower Time

I was presented with the suggestion of taking a photo of myself in the shower, from the shower head’s perspective. This seemed simple enough, until I tried to execute it.

I did not factor in the steam from the warm shower, which fogged up my lens immediately. The lighting was also crap in my small bathroom. I then set up my flash remotely in the sink, pointing through the shower curtain. Using the shower curtains as a flash diffuser basically turned my shower into a big light box.

I tried toning down the temperature of the water a little bit, but it still fogged up the lens. There was no way I was taking a cold shower for this, so I opted to wipe the lens and take the shot almost immediately  I also shot this with a little more flash than usual, as I think the steam actually looks good in a high key style.


Day 292 of 365 – The Harlem Shake v1

I tried to coordinate a large “Harlem Shake” YouTube video at India Point park on Sunday, but the weather forecast called for rain and snow. I moved the project to Saturday afternoon, but many people could not make the new shoot due to such short notice. I have another shoot planned for next Sunday March 3rd at 2pm at India Point Park Providence. You can find more info about that here:

This is one image from the few hundred we took to make the stop motion clip

Day 290 of 365 – Cover Up

Our apartment had this really ugly gold, fake wood, and wicker kinda ceiling fan. Instead of buying a new ceiling fan for a rented apartment, I decided to spray paint that sucker white and grey. I wanted to post the before and after as my 365 but I did not get a chance to take a photo of the finished product until Friday. Over all I am really happy with the results.
