Day 322 of 365 – Apple Cider Vinegar

I tried drinking little cups of Apple Cider Vinegar because my sinuses where bothering me on Monday. This is bay far my new favorite home remedy. Although it burns when going down, it provides almost instant sinus congestion relief. The photo is something a little different from me, I wasn’t feeling well and decided to venture in to abstract land.


Day 320 of 365 – 4,000 photos in one day

I had the pleasure of doing a stop-motion photo-booth at Tight Crew’s Dance Dance Rave-o-lution 2nd Mix on Saturday night. As I mentioned before, the Tight Crew are a great group of people to work with. They go all out to ensure everyone at their events have the most memorable experience possible. It will take me a few more days to finish the video, so stay tuned to find out when it gets posted!


Day 319 of 365 – Double Exposure

I pulled a back muscle and also have a sinus infection. Needless to say, I did not have much energy to focus on to a 365. I took a bland photo of the power station on my way home from work, then took another of my back. I decided to give a double exposure editing technique a shot with both photos. I am ok with the results of the double exposure technique, but I could have used better photos.


Day 309 of 365 – Fitness

I have started another journey – getting my sloppy body back in to shape. My roommate has p90x that he never used so we decided to give it a go together. I am shocked we even made it through the first DVD, this is no joke. I don’t think it’s a program aimed towards a bunch of newbies, but I still want to give it a go. Let’s see how long we last.
